
Please use new practice email for any contact -


The Reception Staff will ask you for a brief outline of the problem so you can be appointed with the most appropriate GP or Nurse. You will be added to our triage system. You will receive a call from a clinician who will assess your symptoms by telephone. If necessary they will arrange for you to attend the practice at an agreed time.

circled_dayGP & Nurse Appointments

Please telephone the surgery between 08:00 - 18:00 to arrange appointments. Patients with urgent medical problems are seen on the same day usually by the nurse practitioner. All consultations are by appointment only, lasting for a minimum of 10 minutes.  However, if a patient has a difficult problem or requires hospital admission during surgery, delays can result.  We appreciate your patience should you experience delay.

Nurse Practitioner Appointments

We also have appointments available daily with our nurse practitioner Tracey Easson.  A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse with advanced nurse education that includes training in the diagnosis and management of common minor illnesses as well as complex medical conditions.  When you phone telephone for an appointment the receptionist will ask for some details from you to decide whether the nurse practitioner could help you, either over the telephone or by attending the practice.  The nurse practitioner can prescribe medications if they are required, and can help you with lots of conditions including; earache, urinary symptoms, chest infections, backache, emergency contraception, eye infections, skin complaints, diarrhoea & vomiting.

Please also note:

  • One appointment – one patient – please do not ask the doctor or nurse to see other members of your family during your appointment as the records will not be available and this causes longer waiting times for everyone.
  • Alwaysmake sure that the receptionist is aware that you are in the waiting room.

Telephone Consultations

On some occasions patients may wish to speak to a doctor or nurse on the telephone as an alternative to a face-to-face consultation in the surgery.  The doctors are available at designated times to speak to patients on the telephone.  Ask the receptionist to arrange this for you. Please remember that you can leave messages or speak by telephone to other member of the practice team i.e. practice nurse, health visitor, district nurse, practice pharmacist.


If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.

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